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Latest news from AI-Power

Subham Sahoo and Mateja Novak gave a talk at the Digital Tech Summit on the Dual Nature of AI. The talks aimed to spread public awareness of AI’s energy consumption in its whole lifecycle, starting with data collection, preprocessing, training, and finishing with inference (service).


On Thursday 24th October 9:50 - 10:10 am at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE) Mateja Novak presented the recent findings on "Experimental validation of capacitor damage accumulation in varying operating conditions", which is one of the focus topics in AI-Power project.


In the Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE) Europe 2024 conference, Ionuț Vernica from Plexim, Yi Zhang and Frede Blaabjerg from Aalborg University AAU Energy presented a tutorial on "Towards Reliable Power Electronics: A Practical Outlook on Design-for-Reliability".
